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I qualified as a practitioner in Holistic Massage & Bodywork in 2014 at the Bristol School of Massage & Bodywork. Since qualifying I have returned to the College for regular CPD courses and attend a supervision group.

I feel really passionate about taking time out of our busy lives to relax and restore the balance in our bodies, to re-charge and look after ourselves. Something we often find hard to do within our roles as parents, grandparents and work professionals.

So whether it’s through repetitive strain or postural issues through carrying and lifting small children or running and cycling, take care of your body – there’s only one you!

Think of it as an investment in yourself.


Lie me down on a bed of feathers,

Cocoon me in cotton, my thoughts are forgotten.


Just let me be present with thee

Sublime, supine trusting and free.


Hot Chocolate hands warm & knowing

Planting, palpating, paddles flowing.


Muscles moaning moving stretching

As it maps my body’s internal sketching.


Holding, rocking, Heart & Hara

Percussive rhythms slow, the end of an era.


Marsh mallowy moments are these

I feel I’m floating above the trees

Cocooned in cotton with my thoughts forgotten





"Alison is warm empathetic and grounded practitioner."


"Fabulous, graceful & rejuvenating massage with a highly empathetic therapist."



"Her passion for Bodywork is evident in her work, she is a well-rounded and caring Therapist."


"Took time in consultation to understand my specific requirements for that treatment."



"She has an ability to make people feel safe and at ease."

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